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Monstrous Beach Iguana

Iguanas have excellent vision and are able to distinguish both colors and movements from a long distance. Oddly enough the Iguana possesses a third eye which in motion detection. They have a row of spines running down their back and somewhat thick, almost armor like, skin which protects them against predators as well as making them rather difficult opponents to fight. Their teeth are sharp and serrated, able to deliver a nasty, shredding bite. While they appear to be mostly herbivorous, that does not stop them from attacking those who intrude on their territory. Monstrous Beach Iguanas have been seen devouring turtle eggs, and eating fish trapped in the seaweed they often feast upon.

The Iguana’s tail is another formidable weapon as it can deliver a painful lash and break off if an opponent grabs it hoping for leverage. When threatened, the Iguana will hiss, bob its head and extend and inflate its dewlap, and puff up. This makes the already formidable creature look even larger and more menacing. The dewlap which hangs from its throat aids in heat regulation as well as courtship displays.

The Monstrous Beach Iguana appears native to Valorn, with populations found in two areas: near Caernivale and Fartown. No other populations have yet been found. Their size makes them a close match for the Green Sea Turtles that also share their habitat. At times, several iguanas will be found traveling together. It appears that the female lays clutches of eggs, about 20 in size, which hatch after 10-15 weeks of incubation. They grow quickly and soon reach their adult size.

So far attempts to make armor out of their hide have failed, although their teeth make good scrapers and could perhaps be utilized in scrimshaw.


Skyelark, on her first sight of a Monstrous Beach Iguana: “Well, in all honesty my first impression was to think of a baby dragon! Old tales of the dragons that had been vanquished here ages before ran through my head. Only upon actually engaging the creatures did I find them to be dissimilar from those tales. They are not unlike the tales of dragons though-they do possess a surprising agility and cleverness in their attacks, but lack the mystical qualities dragons seemed to have, in myths at least.”