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Members of the Canid family are very adaptable to a wide variety of climates, and some species have been domesticated as well. Because of this, the family shows a great variety of environments and habitats. Currently, 5 known species are extant in Valorn and the nearby vicinity. Only one has been domesticated. An example of the domestic dog may be seen in the Dundee Inn.

The various members of this family have long legs with non-retractable claws with a dewclaw on their front feet. The leg length and relatively slender bodies make chasing prey easy for them. While some, like the Roaming Death Hound have more thickset bodies that makes them a bit slower over long distances, most are very good at long distance chases. The primary diet for most Canids consists of mammals although fish, birds, and giant insects will also be eaten if they can be found.

Their molar teeth are strong, enabling them to crack open even the thickest bones to get to the marrow inside.

Most Canids prefer to hunt at night; however, the increased frequency of human incursion has turned some from purely nocturnal to more opportunistic hunters. Generally canids tend to kill the young and old, weak and injured – this is more from opportunity and avoidance of damage since most healthy individuals will not run from canids and will instead stand their ground. This increases the possibility of injury to the attacking canid and unless specially trained they are more likely to retreat when confronted by bold prey.

Bandit Attack Dog

The dog is a domesticated relative of the wolf and over time has evolved some physiological differences. They still have the ability to interbreed, and this sometimes occur either accidentally or purposefully as part of a breeder’s attempt to bring out certain characteristics.

Compared to wolves of a similar size, dog skulls are smaller by about 20%. Their teeth are proportionately smaller as well. Dog paws are smaller when compared with nondomesticate canids, and their tails often curl upwards. Unlike all other known Valorn Canids, dogs have sweat glands in their paws.

Unfortunately the domestication of the dog has enabled people to turn them to nefarious uses as well. Unlike the friendly Scooter of Dundee Inn fame, the Bandit Attack Dog has been trained to go for the jugular, the hamstring, or whatever else it can hit. The dog’s baying can often attract their masters the bandits.


Males and female wolves differ dimorphically. The females are up to 20% smaller than the males with narrower heads and a less massive build. The coat of a wolf has both an outer and inner coat. The exterior coat is thick and coarse, offering protection against the elements and some extra cushioning. The undercoat is made up of dense insulating fur.

While wolves usually run in packs, generally only one or two are seen at a time in the Dundee forest. When Bear and Wolf interactions are observed, they seem to be of general avoidance.

Giant Ebon Wolf

Sometimes seen in small packs of three in Verthedge, the Giant Ebon Wolf is more often found either hunting alone or in a pair. These are the largest of the currently known Canids in Valorn. They stand chest high to many, and their coats are dappled grey and black to better blend in to the dark underbrush of Verthedge. Due to their similarity to the more common Dundee forest wolf, they may have been affected by whatever caused the sudden growth of species in Verthedge. It is unknown if they can interbreed or if the changes that occurred are greater than just their size.

Roaming Death Hound

An unwary traveler heading towards Aldwythe’s landing may come upon this Canid either singly or in a small pack. The Roaming Death Hound does not appear to make a den nor engage in much Canid behavior, but physiologically it appears to be a member of this family.

They are stockier in form when compared with other Canids and almost uniformly dark in hue. Their eyes shine a fiery red. No recorded attempt to breed or domesticate them has been recorded.

Giant Fox

While the fox is usually a small to medium sized member of this family, the canyon variety Vulpes Ginormus is much more sizable and is capable of quite easily swallowing an unprepared human. They appear to hunt alone preferring a solitary existence. This is in contrast to many other members of the canidae family which prefer a pack life.

This variety possesses a reddish coloration which enables them to conceal themselves within the canyon and aids them in their hunting. The long narrow snout and bushy tail distinguish them from other members of the canidae family. The thick luxurious pelt and sharp fangs can fetch a good price at merchants.


Peeper Nival, discussing interactions with wolves: “Run ins?? Thousands it seems. Those flea bitten hounds are everywhere, and always hungry.”

Auda: “I can say is that some seem rather toothless and others bite my warrior butt when I try to say Sit!”

Purazon, about the Giant Fox: "They are cunning and have a tendency to kill their prey quickly. And their tails make a nice belt decoration... "