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While these are not species per say, they do demand mention in a work of this nature. To date, two groups of constructs have been reported in Valorn and surrounding land masses. For the sake of clear definition, Constructs are unliving yet somehow animated forms. As both Animated Scarecrows and Crystal Guardians (of various colors) have been deemed unliving beings that never possessed life, they are grouped together. They are animated due to a series of events, magic and technology we do not understand.

While study continues being done on them, it may well be that only the Gods themselves will ever fully understand their animating force.

Animated Scarecrows

The Animated Scarecrow is a horrific sight for the unprepared person. While at first glance it appears like a normal, inert scarecrow, it is soon found to be much more dangerous. Although stuffed with straw with old clothing thrown over it, this creature is swift to disabuse those who might view it with humor. It is fast into the fray, and its flailing limbs pack quite the punch. There are reported cases of it being able to cut people and not merely batter them to death. Bloodtrails have been traced back to them so they either carry something that is able to cut flesh, or their limbs have been modified to do so. Perhaps they have picked up the farming implements left in the aftermath of whatever horror occurred; however, there is no documented evidence of such tools being found on their forms once they have been defeated.

They have only been found in one area, a haunted farm near Milltown. Although there are many theories to attempt to explain the evil that descended there – specifics are not known. Unlike the Guardians, it is believed that what caused them to animate was a strong evil force.


These empty suits of armor, animated by magic or technology the modern day denizen of Valorn surrounding lands does not understand, carry items of great value. No one is sure what caused the creation of these guardians but the items they carry are so sought after that they are hunted relentlessly. Sometimes their color denotes one of the specific crystals they might carry; however, they do not appear bound by this fully. Indeed, some Guardians appear to have their crystal damaged and only a dull useless one appears. It has been posited that glowing crystals carry a life force within them that binds them to the person who first touches them.

Gold Guardians have been known to carry orange and gold crystals. They are found on the Kilican beach as well as underground.

Red Guardians have been reported to carry orange, gold, or red crystals. They are found within the wall edifice separating the Endless Desert from the Black Wastelands as well as along passes near Caernivale.

Brown Guardians have carried the same as the Red Guardians but brown crystals have also been reportedly found on them once they have been defeated.

Blue Guardians carry the same range as the Red Guardians as well as blue crystals. They appear to prefer cave complexes as they are found both in the Kilican maze as well as in a cave sequence in N’Rolav.

Green Guardians are the sole guardians that do not appear to have a set range or environment as they have been reported many different places. These, the rarest of the Guardians are sought after for the rare green crystal they carry.


Abalan, on Animated Scarecrows: “I do not know what causes them; I can only hope that they do not harm too many on their rampages.”

Meara, on Guardians “Loud, smelly, and mean. Loud because you can hear the clanging from paces away. Smelly, because of the rust of the armor and all. Mean... I do not think I have to explain that.”

Farm commentary
Guardian commentary